Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My Plan to Get 100,000,000 Dollars (US)
I figure I'm a shoe in. If you want to compete (hopelessly) against me for the hunny-mil, the URL is http://www.kpcb.com/initiatives/ifund/index.html.
Welcome to the Book Synopsis Club
I am a benevolent blog-host, and began to wonder how I could remedy this problem (I call it "too longedness") for the United States. Yeah, yeah, world shm-orld. Everyone knows the U.S. is the only country advanced enough to read, anyway. So, like I said, this issue needs to get resolved so the good people of the U.S. of A. can get back to important things, like making fun of Barack Obama's name, and fleshing out their fantasy baseball rosters.
Then, like I was Paul on the road to literary Damascus, it hit me. BAM! There are things shorter than books, that tell the same story! You simply synopsize the too-longedness into an easy to digest paragraph, and you have the equivalent of a literary Pop-Tart. It doesn't look like much sitting there in its shiny silver wrapper, but come breakfast time it gets the job done.
Thus, fellow sufferers of BookADHD, I have created the "Book Synopsis Club". Monthly we will choose (and when I say 'we', I mean 'truly and solely only myself') a different book synopsis to read and discuss. We can achieve intellectual snobbery in mere minutes! It'll be like 'Good Will Hunting', and we're all little Matt Damons! How you like them apples?
Without further ado, month one's book synopsis is for 'Don Quixote' by Cervantes. You can find it under 'Plot Summary' on the following link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_quixote
Now that I have cured the too-longedness that ailed you, you are ready to enjoy sitting at a Starbucks, sipping a Grande Mocha Choca Latta, comparing 'Quixote's disillusionment' with 'the cultural climate of corporate America'. Take THAT, corporate America!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Blogs of the World
Without further ado:
The Dog Blog
This one is in another language, so I'm not sure if its the dog blogging, or the owner. I like to think that it's the dog, personally.
The Venezualan Twilight Blog
I was so excited when I found this one. It showed me that women are crazy about vampires that aren't vampires across the entire world. I think there's a homemade Twilight fan video on there somewhere.
The Really Old Instruction Manual Blog
This blog highlights "Wind up gramophone literature". Do I need say anything more?
The Weird Penguin Game Blog
I have no idea what a Club Penguin Pal is, or why they need hockey helmets...
The Post-It Note Art Blog
This one isn't really bad. I mean, I can appreciate some good Post-It Note art as much as the next guy. But at this point, isn't it a bit contrived? I mean, now when your pen touches that bright yellow paper, you know it's going on your blog. What happened to Post-It Note art for the sake of creating Post-It Note art. Maybe it's my disillusion with the genre?
The Animals That Should Eat Each Other But Instead Hang Out Blog
I'll let this blog speak for itself: "touching photos of unusual animal friendships".
The "Coach" Blog. Yep, Like the TV Show
I don't ever remember Coach being very good. And even if I did, I wouldn't have blogged about it for A YEAR AND A HALF. What!?
Man, I'm going to lose so many readers to these other blogs. Then my traffic will plummet from 3 readers to 1*, upon which my ad revenue will drop. I'll be forced to cancel my blog, and apply for a job working on "Strange Fruit and Vegetable Combinations: The Blog".
* Statistics include myself.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I'm a Zimbabwean Millionaire
You poor saps are probably at work today, but I don't work anymore since I'm absolutely loaded! To celebrate I bought myself a Big Gulp. It only cost me seventy-five million Zimbabwe dollars! But when you're this loaded, who cares?