Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome to the Book Synopsis Club

Much like Oprah, I wield an enormous power over about twenty million people. My blog is akin to a bright light, and my fans are like little bugs that can't resist my wattage. Which reminds me that when I run for President in 2016, my t-shirts are going to say "Mann 2016: Can't Resist THAT Wattage". Anyway, I've been noticing when I read novels that it takes a long time to finish. All that prose gets in the way of the meat. Flowery description is all good and well and fine if you're in college and trying to score points with that hot nerdy classmate who always has 'Leaves of Grass' sticking out of their backpack, but in real life, who has time for such things? Stephen King agrees with me, adjectives are for suckers. See:

I am a benevolent blog-host, and began to wonder how I could remedy this problem (I call it "too longedness") for the United States. Yeah, yeah, world shm-orld. Everyone knows the U.S. is the only country advanced enough to read, anyway. So, like I said, this issue needs to get resolved so the good people of the U.S. of A. can get back to important things, like making fun of Barack Obama's name, and fleshing out their fantasy baseball rosters.

Then, like I was Paul on the road to literary Damascus, it hit me. BAM! There are things shorter than books, that tell the same story! You simply synopsize the too-longedness into an easy to digest paragraph, and you have the equivalent of a literary Pop-Tart. It doesn't look like much sitting there in its shiny silver wrapper, but come breakfast time it gets the job done.

Thus, fellow sufferers of BookADHD, I have created the "Book Synopsis Club". Monthly we will choose (and when I say 'we', I mean 'truly and solely only myself') a different book synopsis to read and discuss. We can achieve intellectual snobbery in mere minutes! It'll be like 'Good Will Hunting', and we're all little Matt Damons! How you like them apples?

Without further ado, month one's book synopsis is for 'Don Quixote' by Cervantes. You can find it under 'Plot Summary' on the following link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_quixote

Now that I have cured the too-longedness that ailed you, you are ready to enjoy sitting at a Starbucks, sipping a Grande Mocha Choca Latta, comparing 'Quixote's disillusionment' with 'the cultural climate of corporate America'. Take THAT, corporate America!

1 comment:

Devyn said...

What a sad story. I hate corporate America.