Wednesday, February 27, 2008

HOA Lotta Fun

I was about 2 months late taking my Christmas lights down, as the HOA likes to remind me. Last night I decided, you know what, the HOA is right. It's NOT Christmas time anymore. So I braved the forty foot ladder of doom to get near the ceiling line of my house, which I suspect is very near the edge of the Earth's atmosphere, and started clipping the little zip ties off to release the lights. At first I couldn't see anything, because it was dark, and I couldn't clip the zip ties, since they were conveniently "dark" colored. So I got down from the ladder, and turned the lights on. Voila, I can now see the ties. Chelsea drives up, and is delighted to have the Christmas lights at full glow on February 26th, as I'm sure my neighbors were. I thought she was going to start making hot chocolate, and baking gingerbread.

Alas, the top lights are now down. I am getting the low ones off tonight. HOA, if you are reading this, please forward my "Best Christmas Lights" prize check to my address of record. Sure, I left them up for a month after the "Holiday Decoration Takedown Order: We're Serious" went into affect, but that's because they were so freaking high up there. I mean, I didn't see any of the other neighborhood pansies braving death and mutilation, overcoming their animalistic (and quite reasonable) fear of heights, to serve a Christmas-time feast of lights for kin and stranger. I gave the people what they wanted, watt-loaded illumeals, night after night after night. And for that, I applaude myself. Thank you very much, me.


Jeremy and Sarah said...

haha,your crazy.

Shawn said...

Jeremy saw it. He knows how high it is. I think he would agree, it was very. High, that is.

Devyn said...

I dont like you guys putting those lights up. It is ridiculously high.